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IBM Rack-Based Local Console Switches



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Summary of Contents for Rack-Based Local Console Switches

Page 1: ...e KVM switches does more than just support the connection of eight or 16 direct attach systems With either daisy chaining or tiered console switches you can manage up to 128 systems from a single desk...

Page 2: ...nt One 1U filler panel One C13 C14 rack power cable Eight terminators for daisy chaining configurations Installation publications and warranty The IBM 2x16 Console Switch includes the following items...

Page 3: ...onfiguration 128 256 512 2048 Maximum video resolution 1280 x 1024 75 Hz 1280 x 1024 75 Hz 1280 x 1024 75 Hz Support for USB Conversion Option UCO 43V6147 and 39M2895 Yes Yes Yes Support for KVM PS 2...

Page 4: ...ns are used to connect to those target systems Note however that the Virtual Media Conversion Option does not support chaining of target systems Target systems Each console switch has 8 or 16 target s...

Page 5: ...ole switches support the use of a password for access to the target systems The OSCAR interface enables you to configure a screen saver password you are prompted for the password after a configurable...

Page 6: ...ons except it only has eight ARI ports whereas the 2x16 has 16 ARI ports Figure 3 Connections on the 2x16 Console Switch Figure 4 shows the connections on the LCM2 console switch The LCM2 offers two e...

Page 7: ...d CAT5 cabling and standard RJ 45 connectors eliminating the need for one to one dedicated cable connections between KVM switch ports and managed devices This cable chaining solution allows up to 16 t...

Page 8: ...oles Maximum configurations are as follows The 1x8 Console Switch can scale to support up to a total of 128 target systems by connecting additional console switches to each of the 8 ARI ports on the 1...

Page 9: ...till seen by the target system Reserved By checking this option in the OSCAR user interface the virtual media connection can be accessed only by your user name and no other user can connect to the vir...

Page 10: ...Y Y Y Y IBM Local 2x8 Console Manager LCM2 17351GX Y Y Y N Y The console switches are supported connected to the IBM System x servers listed in Table 4 Table 4 Supported IBM System x servers 1x8 Cons...

Page 11: ...port docview wss uid psg1MIGR 5076639 Installation and User s Guide LCM2 console switch http www ibm com support docview wss uid psg1MIGR 62083 IBM Redbooks at a glance guide for the IBM 1U 17 inch an...

Page 12: ...f the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any...

Page 13: ...ks IBM the IBM logo and ibm com are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States other countries or both These and other IBM trademarked term...
