Tower Model Controls and Lights
Rack Model Controls and Lights
Power-on light
Ethernet speed light
Power-on self-test (POST) complete light
Ethernet link status light
SCSI hard disk drive in-use light
Primary microprocessor activity light
Ethernet transmit/receive activity light
Secondary microprocessor activity light
System error light
Diskette-eject button
Diskette drive in-use light
CD-ROM drive in-use light
CD-ROM eject button
Reset button
Power-on switch
Side-cover release lever
Hard disk drive status light
Hard disk drive activity light
Ethernet transmit/receive activity light
Ethernet link status light
Ethernet speed light
Power-on light
Power-on self-test (POST) complete light
SCSI hard disk drive in-use light
Primary microprocessor activity light
Secondary microprocessor activity light
System error light
CD-ROM drive in-use light
CD-ROM eject button
Diskette-eject button
Diskette drive in-use light
Hard disk drive status light
Hard disk drive activity light
Reset button
Power-on switch
Express Setup and Installation