IBM Licensed Programs: Database Products
AS/400e System Handbook
Many users of RDBMSs are moving toward nontraditional, object applications, requiring
support for a wider variety of real-world data. Examples include more effective handling of
text, voice, and image data within RDBMSs. This trend has been accelerated by client/server
tools and fourth-generation languages (4GLs) with powerful user interfaces for nontraditional
DB2 DataJoiner offers extensive support for nontraditional applications as described in the
following list in addition to providing traditional application support that is fully integrated
within the database architecture:
• Large Objects (LOBs): Large object support allows multimedia objects such as
documents, video clips, images, and sound recordings to be stored in any data source
(which support LOBs, like DB2 UDB) and manipulated like other database objects.
The size of any one LOB can range up to 2 GB.
A powerful set of built-in functions, such as search, substring, and concatenation, are
supported for LOBs. Additional functions can be defined any time by means of
user-defined functions (UDFs).
• Global User-Defined Types (UDTs): Global UDTs allow users to define new data
types across multi-vendor data sources, which are represented in the DB2 DataJoiner
database using built-in types. For example, a user can define two currency types:
CDOLLAR data type for Canadian dollars and USDOLLAR data type for U.S. dollars.
These types are distinct in the sense that they should not be directly compared to one
another or to the DECIMAL type, although the DECIMAL type might be chosen for the
internal representation of both UDTs in the database.
Using DB2 DataJoiner in the above example with the CDOLLAR data type on DB2 and
USDOLLAR data type on Oracle, DataJoiner would invoke strong type checking to alert
the program to a type mismatch, that is, that the two currency types are of conflicting
types without the proper exchange rate conversion.
UDTs, like built-in types, can be used for columns of tables as well as function
parameters, including user-defined functions (UDFs). For example, a user can define a
data type such as ANGLE (which varies between 1 and 360) and a set of UDFs to act on
it, such as SINE, COSINE, and TANGENT.
• Global User-Defined Functions (UDFs): Application developers often want to create
their own suite of functions specific to their application or domain. Global UDFs make
this possible, expanding the scope of DB2 DataJoiner to include customized business
or scientific functions that span multi-vendor data.
For example, a retail store could define a PRICE data type for tracking the cost of items it
sells. This store might also want to define a SALES_TAX function, which would use a
given price value as input, compute the applicable sales tax, and return this data to the
Summary of Contents for AS/400e
Page 2: ......
Page 3: ...AS 400e System Handbook Document Number GA19 5486 20 May 22 2000...
Page 5: ...Table of Contents...
Page 6: ...Table of Contents...
Page 28: ...xxii AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 29: ...23 Introduction...
Page 30: ...Introduction...
Page 40: ...Introduction 10 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 41: ...11 Concepts and Architecture...
Page 42: ...Concepts and Architecture...
Page 55: ...25 Workload and Performance...
Page 56: ...Workload and Performance...
Page 67: ...37 AS 400 Advanced Technology...
Page 68: ...AS 400 Advanced Technology...
Page 98: ...AS 400e Advanced Technology 68 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 99: ...69 AS 400 Future Announcements...
Page 100: ...AS 400 Future Announcements...
Page 104: ...AS 400 Future Announcements 74 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 105: ...75 AS 400e Server Summary...
Page 106: ...AS 400e Server Summary...
Page 124: ...IBM AS 400e server 94 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 125: ...95 AS 400e Server 250...
Page 126: ...AS 400e Server 250...
Page 145: ...115 AS 400e Server 270...
Page 146: ...AS 400e Server 270...
Page 164: ...AS 400e server 270 134 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 165: ...135 AS 400e Dedicated Server for Domino...
Page 166: ...AS 400e Dedicated Server for Domino...
Page 172: ...AS 400e Dedicated Server for Domino 142 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 173: ...143 AS 400e Server 820...
Page 174: ...AS 400e Server 820...
Page 191: ...161 AS 400e Server 830...
Page 192: ...AS 400e Server 830...
Page 205: ...175 AS 400e Server 840...
Page 206: ...AS 400e Server 840...
Page 220: ...AS 400e server 840 190 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 221: ...191 AS 400e Server SB2...
Page 222: ...AS 400e Server SB2...
Page 229: ...199 AS 400e Server SB3...
Page 230: ...AS 400e Server SB3...
Page 239: ...209 Expansion and Migration Towers...
Page 240: ...Expansion and Migration Towers...
Page 257: ...227 Customer Install Features...
Page 258: ...Customer Install Features...
Page 268: ...Customer Install Features CIF 238 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 269: ...239 I O Processor...
Page 270: ...I O Processor...
Page 280: ...I O Processor 250 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 281: ...251 I O Adapter...
Page 282: ...I O Adapter...
Page 307: ...277 PCI Card Placement Rules...
Page 308: ...PCI Card Placement Rules...
Page 337: ...307 Upgrades to AS 400e Server 8xx...
Page 338: ...Upgrades to AS 400e Server 8xx...
Page 360: ...Upgrades to AS 400e server 8xx 330 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 361: ...331 Internal Storage...
Page 362: ...Internal Storage...
Page 387: ...357 Removable Storage...
Page 388: ...Removable Storage...
Page 410: ...Removable Storage Media Devices 380 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 411: ...381 Magnetic Media Controllers...
Page 412: ...Magnetic Media Controllers...
Page 432: ...Magnetic Media Controllers 402 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 433: ...403 External Disk Storage...
Page 434: ...External Disk Storage...
Page 438: ...2105 Enterprise and Versatile Storage Servers 408 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 439: ...409 Enclosures...
Page 440: ...Enclosures...
Page 445: ...415 Peripherals...
Page 446: ...Peripherals...
Page 478: ...Peripherals 448 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 479: ...449 OS 400...
Page 480: ...OS 400...
Page 560: ...Operating System 400 5769 SS1 530 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 561: ...531 Database...
Page 562: ...Database...
Page 587: ...557 Networking...
Page 588: ...Networking...
Page 623: ...593 Lotus...
Page 624: ...Lotus...
Page 646: ...Lotus Enterprise Integrator 5769 LNP 616 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 647: ...617 Systems Management...
Page 648: ...Systems Management...
Page 669: ...639 Application Development...
Page 670: ...Application Development...
Page 704: ...IBM Licensed Programs Application Development Products 674 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 705: ...675 Office and Printing...
Page 706: ...Office...
Page 728: ...IBM Licensed Programs Office and Printing Products 698 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 729: ...699 Earlier Model Summary...
Page 730: ...Earlier Model Summary...
Page 788: ...Summary of All Earlier AS 400 Models 758 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 789: ...759 Special Notices and Publications...
Page 790: ...Special Notices and Publications...
Page 794: ...Special Notices 764 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 802: ...AS 400 Documentation 772 AS 400e System Handbook...
Page 805: ...775 Abbreviations...
Page 806: ...Abbreviations...
Page 811: ...781 Index...
Page 812: ...Index...
Page 830: ......
Page 831: ...1 5 spine 1 5 1 998 789 1051 pages AS 400e System Handbook Version 4 Release 5...
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