IBM System x3250 M2
Run your business while lowering overall IT cost and complexity
Maximize return on IT invest-
ments with low entry price,
small form factor and less
power consumption
Manage risk with enhanced reli-
ability features and full remote
Manage complexity of IT with
greater flexibility to meet a
wide range of stateless infra-
structure needs
The IBM System x3250 M2 is a single-
socket server with power consumption,
noise reduction and space optimiza-
tions that make it perfect for any busi-
ness looking for a reliable, compact
workgroup or departmental server. It
can be dedicated to a single applica-
tion, and is priced right for your budget.
The right choice for your diverse needs
Designed for infrastructure applications,
the x3250 M2 leverages the latest
dual-core and quad-core processor
technology, making it ideal for:
Large enterprise specialized
SMB infrastructure workloads
Branch office general purpose
Appliance solutions
Go green and save
The x3250 M2 fits into about the same
area as many Ethernet switches,
enabling more efficient use of existing
data center space. Quiet fans won’t
disturb your office environment. And
since it plugs into a 110-volt outlet, you
can deploy it anywhere.
Turn it on, close the door, and walk away
The x3250 M2 offers built-in reliability
features such as mini-BMC2 and
optional Remote Supervisor Adapter II
SlimLine that enable remote managea-
bility from a single console.
Select configurations of the x3250 M2
are part of the IBM Express
Advantage™ Portfolio, designed and
priced to meet the needs of mid-sized
businesses. Easy to manage,
Express™ models/configurations vary
by country.