IBM 1754 LCM8 and LCM16 Local Console Managers
Supported racks
The LCM8 and LCM16 Console Managers can be mounted in one of the following rack cabinets:
IBM IBM 42U S2 Rack
IBM 42U Enterprise Rack
IBM 25U S2 Rack
IBM 11U Office Enablement kit
IBM S2 42U Dynamic Standard Rack
IBM S2 25U Standard Rack
IBM 1200 mm Deep Static Rack
IBM 1200 mm Dynamic Rack
IBM 42U Enterprise V2 Rack
Related publications and links
For more information, refer to these documents and websites:
IBM Console Switches product page
Local Console Manager LCM8 and LCM16 Installation and User's Guide
IBM Redbooks® at-a-glance guide for the IBM 1U 17-inch and 19-inch Flat Panel Console Kits
IBM Redbooks at-a-glance guide for the IBM GCM16 and GCM32 Global Console Managers
IBM Redbooks at-a-glance guide for the IBM 1x8 and 2x16 Local Console Managers
IBM US Announcement Letter