Version 17.01, as of: 27-Jun-2017
02. General information, standards and regulations
The IBC TopFix 200 mounting system is used for installing your solar modules. The modules are fastened
by means of clamps and carrier rails.
The number of components varies according to the size of the system.
Important information:
Your IBC TopFix 200 mounting system is supplied completely with all accessories.
Before you begin, please check that all parts are included using the packing list and bill of materials.
Electrical work must be carried out by qualified electricians only!
Comply with the processing guidelines and
– in individual cases – specific guidelines from the relevant
roofing and module manufacturers.
Condition for the 10-year guarantee to be granted: this applies with the use of IBC SOLAR AG
components only. No guarantee claims can be accepted if third-party components are used.
General important information and standards relating to dimensioning
The entire photovoltaic (PV) system must be installed in accordance with the generally recognised
engineering standards. Comply with accident prevention regulations of the German employer's liability
insurance associations (Berufsgenossenschaften), in particular:
BGV A1 General instructions
BGV A2 Electrical systems and equipment
BGV C22 Construction work
BGV D36 Ladders and steps
Please ensure that installation work takes account of the actual conditions at the installation site and is in
accordance with the generally recognised engineering standards. Local regulations must be complied with.
Please observe all regulations and guidelines under public law during planning, erection, operation and
maintenance of PV plants connected to grids including the following: EN standards, DIN standards, TAB,
accident prevention regulations, the guidelines from the association of property insurers (VDS
– fire
protection guidelines), the trade guidelines of the German roofing association (Fachregeln des Deutschen
Dachdeckerhandwerks) and general guidelines (e.g. timber structures, roofing and roof-sealing works).