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Adjustment Procedures 



1. Set SPEED, REGEN, WITDH, and DELAY TIME controls fully counter-clockwise (CCW). 
2. Connect an oscilloscope to test point CP1. 
3. Adjust VR101 CLOCK TRIM for a frequency of 40kHz. 
4. Set DELAY TIME control fully clockwise (CW) and check CP1 frequency. Should be in the 

range of 500kHz to 600kHz. 

5. Set WIDTH control fully CW and check CP1 frequency sweep. The range should be from 

40kHz to 500kHz-600kHz. 



1. Set REGEN and WIDTH controls fully CCW. 
2. Connect a +5dBm to +10dBm (2.5 volt) 440Hz sine wave to the INPUT. 
3. View the waveform on test point CP12. Adjust VR102 BIAS to achieve a symmetrically-

clipped waveform. 


1. Set SPEED, REGEN, and WIDTH controls fully CW. 
2. Connect an oscilloscope to the OUTPUT with no INPUT signal 
3. Adjust VR103 REGENERATION TRIM until oscillation is seen. Back down VR103 

REGENERATION TRIM about 10 degrees to squelch the oscillation. 

FL9 Flanger Service Guide

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40kHz 5-volt peak

550kHz 5-volt peak

440Hz 1-volt peak
