1. Product content
Puffer storage tank
Fittings on connections
Transparent plastic bag with:
Energy efficiency sticker (Models: 20 - 1.500 Litres)
Three adhesive chocks (Models: 30 - 300 Litres)
Installation and use manual
2. General
Hot water tanks made of black steel with hydraulic connections to allow installation and combination in
cooling systems and heat pumps.
All models feature CFC-free thermal insulation, which minimizes heat loss in the storage tank, therefore
favouring energy savings and complying with current regulations in this area. They come in different
configurations. The accumulators of the AR-S range are specially designed for installation in false ceilings.
All models comply with the European Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (Art. 4.3).
3. Application
The buffer storage tanks of the AR-A series are designed for exclusive use in closed cooling circuits and
heat pumps. The tanks are not internally coated and should therefore not be installed in a secondary (open)
circuit. They are not suitable for domestic hot water (DHW).
They are installed in those systems with thermal inertia, where the accumulation of energy is an essential
factor for the efficient operation of the system, allowing to reduce the number of starts and stops of the
groups when there are rapid temperature variations.
4. Arrival control
Check immediately that the equipment corresponds to the order and that all components are in perfect
condition and that the correct operating instructions are enclosed. It is especially important to check the
buffer tank for possible deformations that could affect its resistance. If defects or damage are found, contact
the manufacturer immediately.
Check that the data on the sticker affixed to the buffer tank matches the purchase specification and is suitable
for the installation. Before proceeding with the installation, make sure that the technical staff has an
appropriate profile and training in the installation of this type of equipment. In any case, the local regulations
in force for the operation of such equipment must be considered. Installation and operation must be carried
out in accordance with good practice by professional installers and authorised technical personnel.
The manufacturer shall not assume any liability for damage caused by improper transportation, nor shall any
damage caused by improper installation or misuse of the product be attributable to the manufacturer.
5. Normativa de montaje
In addition to national regulations and directives, the following installation regulations must be observed:
DIN 1988
Technical rules for domestic hot water installations
DIN 4708
Centralised water heating systems
DIN 4753
Storage tanks and heating systems for domestic hot water and primary heating systems
DIN 18380
Heating systems and centralised water heating systems
DIN 18381
Gas, water and drainage installations inside buildings
DIN EN 12828
Heating installations in the building. Design of DHW systems