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GO-2400M-USB / GO-2400C-USB
Preparation Process
Step 1
Installing the Software (first time only)
Install the software for configuring and controlling the camera (JAI SDK) on the computer.
Step 2
Connecting Devices
Connect the lens, USB cable, AC adapter, computer, and other devices.
Step 3
Verifying Whether the Camera is Running
Verify whether the camera is ready for use.
Step 4
Configuring Initial Settings for the Camera
Configure the output format.
Configure settings related to the exposure and external trigger.
Step 5
Adjusting the Image Quality
Adjust the gain and white balance.
Adjust the exposure (shutter).
Step 6
Configuring Various Other Settings
Configure various other settings as necessary.
Step 7
Saving the Settings
Save the current setting configurations in user memory.
Step 1: Installing the Software (first time only)
When using the camera for the first time, install the software for configuring and controlling the camera
(JAI SDK) on the computer.
When you install JAI SDK, JAI Camera Control Tool will also be installed.
Download the “JAI - Getting Started Guide” and JAI SDK from the JAI website.
URL: http://www.jai.com/en/support/download-jai-software
Refer to the “JAI - Getting Started Guide,” and install JAI SDK on the computer.
The computer will restart when installation is complete.