IAD_DGS_X24_10EP Revision 1.0
Frequently Asked Questions
When I have wireless configured and Ethernet wire connected, which path (wired or
wireless) is data sent?
The wired Ethernet connection takes precedence over the wireless when both are available. As
soon as you unplug the network wire, the system attempts to reconnect via wireless network.
How do I know if my wireless is properly connected?
On player boot up, it attempts to obtain an IP address from your router via the wireless link. If the
result is successful, you should see an IP address within your network range. If this fails, you
would see an IP in the form of 169.254.1.x which indicates it has not been able to receive a valid
IP address, probably due to poor wireless connection.
What can I do about the gap between video and video?
Using recommended codec H.264 HP@L4, 10Mbps to achieve best video performance. The
average video gap is less than 1 sec.
Reset player to factory defaults
If modifying settings cause unintended results or if you have forgotten your
password, please reset the player. Local contents will also be removed.
and hold
the reset button with a pointed tool
Re-connect the power cord while holding reset button
Wait 12 seconds until the orange status LED flashes
Release reset button and wait 90 seconds for system to initialize
Further information
For complete documentation, please visit