Rxframes A
count of the number of frames (i.e. data packets) that have been received by this station (by both
broadcast transmissions and by direct addressing).
Rxerrs A
count of the number of errors that have been encountered during receptions. This should normally
be zero. If it is not then it indicates a fault with the network. If this is not zero then an additional line
will be printed out indicating the type of errors (CRC errors, etc.).
Txframes A
count of the number of frames (i.e. data packets) that have been transmitted by this station.
Txerrs A
count of the number of errors that have been encountered during transmissions. This should
nonnally be zero.
I f
it is not then it indicates a fault with the network. If this is not zero then an
additional line will be printed out indicating the type of errors (excessive collisions, etc. ).
The number of collisions that have occurred during transmissions by this card. This will not normally
be zero.
non-zero count does not indicate any errors.
I f
excessive collisions occur then a Txerr will
be indicated.
The number
packets addressed to this station (by both broadcast transmissions and by direct
addressing) using a protocol that was not understood. This should be zero on a network that only uses
EtherLan User Guide
Additional Notes: General
I . The Rx errors line will be absent
there have been no receive errors.
2. There will be an additional line, TxErrors, (in the first section of the output with EHVirtual configured On), if
there have been any transmit errors.
3. Frame Type = IEEE was presented as Type = 0 in previous software releases.
Additional Notes: EHVirtual configured On
I . The first section
the output, down to and including the Rx errors line, relates to the first virtual interface (Unit 0,
or eh0) and to the physical hardware; any Transmit/Receive errors will be reported in this section of the output.
2. The second section of output, starting from the second set of Card Info, relates to the second virtual interface
( Unit I, or eh I). This will only show the number of Ethernet frames sent to/from this virtual interface; it cannot
have any error/collision/reject information.
3. If no task has been initialised to claim the second (ehl ) network interface (e.g. the PC card software has not been
started up) then the second section of output will show, after its Card Info, the message No frame filters set up.
Related Commands
ELANUG:214, Issue 2.1