I2M nanoLAP Quick Start Manual Download Page 2




Connect the serial cable to the PC. Insert the 
communication jack into nanoLAP. Turn on 
Data will be automatically downloaded to the PC. 
Here we show a typical download: 
 Produced by I2M 
  Mini Trasponder Ir 
Identificativo : 
Tempo morto (s):  2 
Sessioni:         ON 
Autospegnimento:  OFF 
Giri memorizzati:    9 
Best Lap:       0:56,41 
Lap 1:   1:00,49 
Lap 2:   1:00,39 
Lap 3:   1:03,05 
Lap 4:   1:00,34 
Lap 5:   0:56,90 
Lap 6:   0:56,76 
Lap 7:   0:56,41 
Lap 8:   0:59,53 
Lap 9:   0:56,31 
'A' per l'autospegnimento 
'C' per cancellare la memoria 
'I' per modificare l'identificativo 
'S' per le sessioni 
'T' seguito dal valore (Sec.) per il tempo morto 
After the download ends, it is possible to configure 
the system.  
By pressing ‘A’, “


“ (

auto power 


) can be turned on or off (if on, nanoLAP will 

power itself off after 10 minutes if it does not 
receive any valid signal). 
Pressing ‘I’ let you modify the “





 (the “name” of your nanoLAP). NB: the 

identifier can be at most 8 characters. 
Pressing ‘C’ will “

Cancellare la memoria

” (



the memory)


The memory can also be cleared without 
connecting nanoLAP to a PC: when turning on 
nanoLAP, keep the button pressed, the indicator 
will flash for a few seconds and then turn off. 
When the indicator will turn on again, clear will be 
By pressing ‘T’ you can set the “

Tempo morto



dead time


Pressing ‘S’ enables or disables “





). When sessions are enabled, data will 

be downloaded divided by session, and each 

session is closed when nanoLAP is turned off. 
Moreover, each session takes up additional space 
in memory, corresponding to a single lap. Thus 
the maximum number of laps will be smaller:  
100 – number of sessions. 
If the memory content is large enough to exceed  
HyperTerminal window size, the visualization may 
be poor. In such case we advise to use the option 
Capture Text (Transfer -> Capture Text…): data 
will be saved in a text file to be reviewed later in a 
text editor. At the end of the download, close the 
file by choosing Transfer -> Capture Text -> Stop. 
We advise against the use of Notepad, since it 
does not handle correctly formatted text, and data 
will be difficult to review. 
To download the same data again, press the 
button near the jack connector. 
At the end of the download and configuration, 
disconnect the cable from nanoLAP.  nanoLAP 
will automatically power off. 
When the memory if full, the indicator will signal 

memory full

” by flashing rapidly (3 times per 

nanoLAP absorbs 3 mA, so a new battery will last 
for about 60 hours.  






