(1). Week Directive
Possible Directive : <SUN> <MON> <TUE> <WED> <THU> <FRI> <SAT> <ANY>
<SUN> <MON> <TUE> <WED> <THU> <FRI> <SAT> stand for the play list on
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
<ANY> stand for the play list that playing as default when there are no week directive.
(2). Time Directive
Possible Directive : <HH:MM-HH:MM> <HH:MM> <DEF>
The time directive is depend on week directive on the previous line.
<HH:MM-HH:MM> stand for play list that playing from specified period. For example,
<12:00-13:00> stand for the play list that playing from 12:00 to 13:00.
<HH:MM> is used for play just one time at specified time. For example, <13:00> used
for list up the file that playing just one time at 13:00.
<DEF> stand for the play list that plying as default when there are no time directive. (
Special Directive
Possible Directive : <BGM>
<BGM> can be used after time directive. This directive background mode in this time
period. The movie is ignored at playlist and play photo only with background music.
# stand for comment for explanation
3. Control the Contents
Contents list can be written bottom of time directive.
The media contents can be movie, photo, music, message file and caption