Play / Stop
Press the “B/D” encoder to activate or deactivate the pattern’s scrolling, in the specific this
commands the Pay / Stop of the MIDI section of Traktor. In the Sequencer Slave mode, the Midi
Clock’s information coming from Traktor are sent to the commands of Play and Stop to the
connected machines on the analogic MIDI OUT of the controller.
Select the midi channel used by the sequencer.
It is possible to vary the midi channel used in the controller’s pad to command external machines
using the “A/C” encoder. The available commands are nr. #1,2,3 and 5. To each channel
corresponds a Pad’s color: Blue 1, Green 2, Red 3, Azure 4.
Select the Midi NOTE sent to the external machine.
It is possible to
vary the note sent from the sequencer to the external machine using the “FOLDER” encoder, an
increment of the encoder corresponds to an increment of the played note and vice versa. As for the
note, it is possible to vary the eight using the “LIST” encoder with the same modalities.
Pattern’s speed.
See point 3.6.
Additional commands.
In the
Sequencer Salve mode
, it is possible to command loop of Deck A and B using loop’s tactile
buttons. The potentiometers and the relative toggle command EFX have the same modality of the
Controller Mode, so they command the effect’s workbench of Traktor.
Attention: the tactile buttons “seek” are deactivated or they activate different function from those
available in the
Controller Mode,
as well as the encoder.
Sequencer Master.
To go into the sequencer mode, as indicated at the point 3.1 (press the switch button in
contemporary with the A/C encoder). Then press the first button SEEK of the right section as
indicated in the picture:
To confirm that passage happened in this mode, the switch led will become white.
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