UTP 1.0
Installation & Verification Instructions
I.D. Systems Confidential and Proprietary
055-00000889 Rev A
6. Installing on Multiple Vehicles at the Same Time
The following process is recommended to speed the overall installation when installing UTP 1.0
devices on multiple vehicles at the same time.
Arrange up to 10 cars side-by-side with enough room to open driver-side doors without
hitting the adjacent vehicle.
Starting with the first vehicle:
Turn vehicle ignition on, roll down driver-side window, and leave driver door open.
Plug the UTP 1.0 unit into the OBD-II port and leave UTP 1.0 hanging down while
waiting for the device to complete the In-Fleet process.
Proceed with remaining vehicles
Go back to the first car and make sure the LED on the UTP connector has turned solid
green (indicating successful In-Fleet).
Once the UTP 1.0 LED has turned solid green, use two wire ties to attach the UTP 1.0 to a
wire harness under the dash panel.
Make sure the UTP 1.0 OBD-II plug is fully seated into the OBD-II port and the slide is in
the locked position.
Repeat the attachment and lock verification process for the remaining vehicles.