® Waves System
V 1.0 - 2014
I.D. AL - VideoPlayer VP250HD - Video/Audio player - User manual
Byte1 : 81h - 10000001b : status byte, plater number 001
Byte2 : 03h - 00000011b : volume command
Byte3 : 0Eh - 00001110b : volume setting at 14
04h - 00000100b : Request informations
An external peripheral device can ask the player to render informations like status (Play, stop), current
file/folder, remaining time...
Value of the data byte:
01h - 00000001b : Player status du lecteur -> PLAYING / STOP / PAUSE
02h - 00000010b : Current file name -> example : bird.mp4
03h - 00000011b : Complete folder name- Exemple : 001[J001]/
04h - 00000100b : Media used -> USB external
05h - 00000101b : Not used
06h - 00000110b : Folder number -> 001 to 999 - Example : 005
07h - 00000111b : Not used
08h - 00001000b : Not used
09h - 00001001b : Remaining time -> hh:mm:ss - Example : 00:05:14
0Ah - 00001010b : Total time of the file : hh:mm:ss - Example : 01:42:27
0Bh - 00001011b : Volume value -> xx (00 to 31) - Example : 16
When the player receives a request command, it sends the information in ASCII mode on the Tx pin of
the RS232 link.
Frame to send to the player to request status: 81 04 01
Byte1 : 81h - 10000001b : status byte, player number 001
Byte 2 : 04h - 00000100b : Request informations
Byte 3 : 01h - 00000001b : Request status
Player send : PLAY + CR/LF -> in ASCII -> 50 4C 41 59 0D 0A (Value in Hexa)
Example 2:
Frame to send to the player to request remaining time : 81 04 09
Byte1 : 81h - 10000001b : status byte, player number 001
Byte 2 : 04h - 00000100b : Request informations
Byte 3 : 09h - 00001001b : Request remaining time
Player render: 00:03:12 + CR/LF -> in ASCII = 30 30 3A 30 33 3A 31 32 0D 0A (Value in Hexa)
05h - 00000101b : Reserved
06h - 00000110b : Reserved
07h à 7Eh : Not used
7Fh - 01111111b : Command in order to change the identification number of the player (ID)
You can change the ID (Identification number) of the player for the RS232 link. The default value is 001.
You can change value from 001 to 127. The data byte defines the number of the new ID.
Example of a complete frame to change ID to 002: 81 7F 02
Byte1 : 81h - 10000001b : status byte, player number 001
Byte 2 : 7Fh - 01111111b : ID change command
Byte 3 : 02h - 00000010b : ID N° 002
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