® Waves System
V 1.2 - 2014
I.D. AL - MicroPlayer mkII - Wav MP3 Audio player - User manual
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Command line
xx = a value between 00 and 64
Example :
the volume will be from 18 on powering
If the line is missing the last known value by the player will be used.
5.3 - Energy saving mode ( stand by ) - #POWER:x
MicroPlayer mkII can turn into energy saving mode during its standby mode. It is possible to use a
battery as a power source. The player turns into this mode automatically when he does not read a file.
Only the input contacts are watched. When an input contact is detected, the player « wakes up» et
and executes the command.
Note: When the folders contain numerous files, the waking time is lenghtened
Command line
x = value 0 or1
0 = normal mode without saving mode management
1 = energy saving mode
Example : #POWER:1
The player is in energy saving mode
If the line is missing, the factory setting value is used by default, it has to say 0, normal mode without
energy saving management.
5.4 Configuration of the speed of the RS232 - #BAUDRATE:xxxx
By default, the serial link RS232 in and out is 19200 Bauds; With this option you can modify this value.
Command line
x = a value among 9600, 19200, 38400
Example :
The player send and receive at 9600 bauds.
If the line is missing, the factory setting by default is used it has to say 19200 bauds.
5.5 Monitoring of the player through RS232 - #RS_ MONITORING:x
The MicroPlayer mkII has one serial input and one serial output RS232 standard.
This link can be used to control the player but also to watch him.
Four configurations are possible to define the kind of outgoing link.
Mode 0 :
no monitoring , No data sent by the player
Mode 1
: «Daisy Chain» mode
This mode allows to chain up the players the ones after the others with only one RS232 link. The serial
Tx output of a player is connected to a serial Rx input of the next one and so on. When the first player