Answering Calls
Answering a Call
Answering a call with a
Wireless Technology device connect-
ed will display the following screen.
1) Caller : Displays the other part’s
name when the incoming caller is
saved within your contacts
2) Incoming Number : Displays the
incoming number
3) Accept : Accept the incoming call
4) Reject : Reject the incoming call
• When the incoming call pop-up is
displayed, most Audio and SETUP
mode features will not operate. Only
the call volume can be operated.
• The telephone number may not be
properly displayed in some mobile
• When a call is answered with the
mobile phone, the call mode will
automatically convert to Private
During a Handsfree Call
1) Caller : Displays the other party’s
name if the incoming caller is
saved within your contacts
2) Incoming Number : Displays the
incoming number
3) Call time : Displays the call time
4) End : Ends call
5) Private : Converts to Private mode
6) Out Vol. : Sets call volume as
heard by the other party
7) Mute : Turns Mic Mute On/Off
If the mic is muted, the other party
will not be able to hear your voice.
Multimedia System