You
can
directly
call
one
number
by
pressing
send
key
in
phone
book
screen
and
you
can
also
press
“option”
to
make
following
operations:
Dial
to:
Dial
the
number
now
Send
message
to:
Send
messages
to
the
number
Detail/Edit:
Edit
the
contact
information
Delete:
Delete
the
contact
Add
contact:
Add
a
new
contact
Storage
status:
Check
the
memory
status
2.2
Add
contact
You
can
add
new
names
in
your
phonebook
by
this
function
and
save
to
the
card
storage.
Only
names
and
call
numbers
can
be
added
when
you
add
new
contact
to
card
storage.
2.3
Phonebook
Displays
all
the
contacts
stored
in
your
phonebook.
You
can
use
speed
‐
search.
Once
you
have
found
the
contact,
press
“option”
to
access
the
phonebook
entry
options;
for
further
details,
see
[2.1
Search]
2.4
Storage
status
This
menu
shows
the
condition
of
the
use
of
the
phonebook.
The
Display
shows
used
and
total
space
of
phonebook.