Features of your vehicle
When pressing the button, the tempera-
ture will increase or decrease by
0.5°C/1°F. When set to the lowest tem-
perature setting, the air conditioning will
operate continuously.
Adjusting the driver and passenger side
temperature individually
1. Press the DUAL button to operate the
driver and passenger side temperature
individually. Also, if the passenger side
temperature control button is operat-
ed, it will automatically change to the
DUAL mode as well.
2. Operate the driver side temperature
control to adjust the driver side tem-
perature. Operate the passenger side
temperature control to adjust the pas-
senger side temperature.
When the driver side temperature is set
to the highest (HI) or lowest (Lo) temper-
ature setting, the DUAL mode is deacti-
vated for maximum heating or cooling.
Type B
Type A
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