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Summary of Contents for HM-5064

Page 1: ...UGffi NMJAINAAL HM 5W rf HYUnOFI HM FL E y _ t r d l I f 1 4 J s r n r a r r o R E o N R c G L o c L o u o c o n l l l r r l l 2 u l l 3 n n j t l 1ffiffiffiffiffiffi r l lF H L JffiUltilI5 Hmtrgxd titrH 1 i ...

Page 2: ...Before operating the unit please read this manual thoroughly and retain it for future reference ...

Page 3: ...llllllirii l lllr l s F s n f f i g o q ...

Page 4: ...notherfunctionis activated o O tr oN oFF PowER BUTToN oFF Press thisbutton to turntheuniton or off Whenthepoweris on the previous mode lastmemory willappear O tzl rNrrAL voLUME LEVEL sETuP Pressthe POWERbuttonlongerthan 2 secondsto memorizeinitial volumelevel Thecurrent volumelevelis storedas theinitial volumelevel VOLUMEUP DOWNCONTROL To increase thevolumelevel turnright Thevolumewillincrease and...

Page 5: ...n5 seconds of choosingthetreblemode turnrighVleft to adjustthetrebleresponse as desired The treblelevelwill be shownon the displaypanelfroma minimumof TRE 10 to a maximumof TRE 10 as per BASScontrol The displaywill automatically returnto the normalindication 5 seconds afterthe lastadjustment or whenanother function is activated anmruce coNTRoL To adjustthe left right speakerbalance firstselectthe ...

Page 6: ...left to adjustthefront rear speakerlevelas desired The fader positionwill be shown by the bars on the displaypanelfrom FAD 10F fullfront to FAD 10R fullrear Whenthe volumelevel betweenthe frontand rearspeakersis equal FAD F R will be shown on the displaypanel The displaywill automatically returnto the normal indication 5 secondsafterthe lastadiustment or whenanotherfunctionis activated uoor BUTToN...

Page 7: ...thisfeature willboostthe bassandtrebleresponse to compensate forthecharacteristic of human hearing Press thebuttontoactivate thisfeature asindicated by LOUD mark onthedisplay panel Pressing thebutton again willde activate thefunction and LOUD mark willdisappear fromthedisplaypanel uLL orsnmv BUTToN Dtsp During Radio tapeor CDoperation pressDISPbutton to callthetime R ffi f displayon the incorporat...

Page 8: ...s entered again 3 CDE willappearon LCD 7 f afterthe thirdattempt the code is incorrect the set willturnoff Wait t hourbeforere entering security code rHr coRRECTANTI THEFT coDE NUMBER lf you loseyourANTI THEFT security codenumber you mustcontacta HyundaiDealerand present evidence youarethevehicle ownerin orderto obtainthecorrect ANTI THEFT codenumber ltoulo cRYSTALDTSPLAY PANEL TheLiquidCrystal Di...

Page 9: ...eplacepage six 6 Subiect SecurityCode Input with this addendum The instructions and procedures withinthisadden dum are correct and replacethose instructions found on pagesix 6 of your CD Radiolnstruction Manual Pleaserefer to the other side of this sheetfor the cornectinstructions ...

Page 10: ...o activatethe code 10 lmportant lf you have enteredthe incorrectanti theftcode or used an incorrect procedureat your firsi attempt your stereoscreenwill exhibitthe followingmessage 2 CDE This meansyou needenterthe code a secondtime taking careto followthese instructions andenterthe correctcode 1 1 lf the stereoscreenshows lhe message 3 CDE this meansyou failedto follow lhe correct instructionsor t...

Page 11: ...und noise nvtrv BANDSELECToR BAND Eachtimethisbuttonis pressed the radiobandis changed Eachtimethis buttonis pressed LCDdisplays eachbandasfollows F M 1 F M 2 F M 3 A M L I unruunluP DowN TUNTNG A z To manually selecta radiostation momentarily pressthe UP Tuning A buttonfor longerthan lsecondto advancethe unitone digithigherorthe DOWNtuning sZ buttonto tunedownward Continue to presseitherbuttonto ...

Page 12: ... stationinto memory Afterenteringthe stationsintomemories the unitwill automatically stopat eachstationfor 5 secondsso eachstationcan be heard lf you have alreadyset the pre setmemoriesto your favoritestations activating the BSMTuningfeature willerasethosestations andenterthe new ones Thisfeatureis mostusefulwhentravelingin a new areawhereyou are notfamiliar withthe localstations locnl ox coNTRoL ...

Page 13: ...ioon andselectthedesired band b Selectthe first stationto be pre setusingthe ManualUP DOWNor Automatic SeekTuningControl c Pressthe pre set buttonto be set and continueto hold it in The BEEp soundwillbe momentarily heardandthe pre set numberwillappearon the displaypanel indicating that the stationis now set into that memory positionandcan be recalledat anytime by pressingthatpre setbutton ...

Page 14: ... speed audiblesearchto any sectionof the disc can be made by the Cue and Reviewfunctions Pressand holdthe Cue A to advance rapidlyin the forwarddirectionor the Reviewside of the button sl to advancerapidlyin the backwarddirection pnusrsELEcroR During discptay press thisbutton totemporarily stopplayofthedisc the PAUSE indication willappear onthedisplay panel Press button again to resume playofthedi...

Page 15: ...essthis buttonto repeatplay of the selectedtrack RPT willappearon the displaypanel Playof the trackwillcontinue to repeatuntilthe buttonis pressedagainand the RPT disappearsfrom the display panel Repeatplaymodewillalsobe cancelled by activating Shuffle Play or Scan functions sHurrlr PLAY sEcroR sHF During discplay press thisbutton toplay thetracks onthediscina random shuffled order SHF willappear ...

Page 16: as damageto the playerand or disccan occur Suchdamagewill not be coveredbythe Warrantyon thisproduct otsc EJECT I By pressingthis button the discwill be ejectedand the unitwill changeto eitherradioor CD changer modedepending on whichwas last in use beforeCD playermodewas selected lf the disc is not removedfromthe discslotwithin15 secondsof beingejected it willautomatically be reloadedintothe un...

Page 17: ... ofthedesired track within2 seconds if youchoose thedesired trackwiththetrackUp Down butron thedesired track number willbememorized bypressing theM5 bunon andotherdesired tracks willbememorized withsameprocedure andvou canerase thetrackoutofmemories bypressing theM4 button By pressing BANDselector button lessthan2 seconds the memorized tracks willbeactivated inorder Incasediscisejected allthe memo...

Page 18: ...thisradio Referto the Owner sManualincluded withthe CD changer for instructions on the installation andcorrect loading anduseof theCD magazine lry rnncKSELEcT TRAcK r ihis button is usedto quickly select thebeginning ofa track TaptheForward TrackSelect V button or Backward TrackSelect a button to locate the desired track asshown bythetrack number onthedisplay panel I I l f t t f i l t E l 12 cuenE...

Page 19: ... panel The Track scan mode will be cancelledby activating any oiher disc function Select Cue Review Shuffle or Repeat when the scan buttonis pressedand held longerthan 2 secondsthe DscN will appearon the displaypaneland the firsttrackon eachdisc willbe played when a desired discis reached pressthe Scanbuttonagarn andplayof thatdiscwillcontinue DSCN willdisappear fromthe display panel TheDSCN modew...

Page 20: ...UFFLE sHF When the Shufflebuttonis pressed SHF will appearon the display panel and the tracks on the disc will be playedin a random shuffled order The track selectbutton 1 will also selecttracks in the shuffled order insteadof the normalseouence The Track Shufflemode can be cancelledby pressing the Shufflebuttonagainor by activating the Repeat or Scan function SHF willdisappear fromthedisplay pane...

Page 21: ... to normal disolav Thisset hasa featurethatwillautomatically lower mute the volumeof the radiowhenthe vehicle cellular telephone is used an interface maybe necessary depending on the particular telephone the audiolevelof the set will be lowered TEL MUTE will appearon the displaypanel during teleohone use For installaton of your mobiletelephonekit to this mutefeature you shouldreferthis installatio...

Page 22: ups Drivemotors Whichhavea limited lifeexpectancy The abovecomponentsare coveredby a guaranteeperiodof threeyears againstfaultypartsand workmanshio In the eventyour HM 5064is faulty pleasetake your HYUNDAIcar to your nearestHYUNDAI dealerfortheirdiagnostic inspection of yourHM 5064 lf proven faulty yourHYUNDAI dealerwillimplement a changer overproduct service to replace your faultvHM 5064 1 8 ...

Page 23: a softcloth Wipeina straight motion fromtheinside totheoutside ofthedisc Neverusechemicals suchas record sprays household cleaners or thinner to cleancompact discs Suchchemicals canirreparably damage thedisc s surface Discs should bekeptintheirstorage cases whennotinuse Donotexpose discs todirect sunlight hightemperatures orhighhumidity forextended periods Donotstickpaper tape orlabels onthedis...

Page 24: ...d develop whileoperating theCDplayer thefollowing errorcodes may bedisplayed ontheLCD LCDSYMBOL ERROR DESCRIPTION ERRO LOAD Loading is notavailable ERR1 MECHANISM Mechanism oroblem ERR2 FAULT Mechanism fault ERR3 SERVO Discdataerror 20 ...

Page 25: ... Loading is notavailable ERR4 UNLOADING Unloading is notavailable ERR5 ELEVATOR Elevator is notavailable ERR6 FAULT Mechanism fault ERR7 FOCUS DISC DATA Failed inFocusing threetimes ortoread Dataisnotavailable ERR8 CLV DISC DATA NormalCLV Constant LinearVelocity is notavailable or DiscDatais notavailable ERR9 TOC TABLE OF CONTENTS Failedto readTOC within15sec ERR10 ERR30 THERMAL PROTECTION Playisn...

Page 26: ...Stereo Separation CDFrequency Response CDS NRatio CDChannel Separation 178mm X 163mm X 50 mm 12voltsDC negativeground 100Wattsmaximum 25 watts x 4 channels compatible with4 I ohm speakers MW 522 1 620KHz 9 KHz step F M 87 5 108 0MHz 50 KHz step M W 1 5 p FM 1 5p 25 dB 20 20 000Hz 60 dB 55 dB 22 ...
