trUCK Presentation
The new range of retractable trucks consists of 7 models with nominal load capacities from 1400 kg to
2500 kg�
electrical system
All the motors benefit from the use of three phase AC alternate current technology: traction motor, steering
motor and pump motor�
The high battery efficiency is ensured by the regenerative inversion and release braking.
The electronic controls VCM, ACE2 Traction, ACE2 Pump and EPS ACW communicate via a CAN-Bus
system (Controller Area Network Bus). There are two separate CAN-Bus lines to improve the efficiency,
reliability and independence of the modules.
Hydraulic system
The 14 kW pump motor provides excellent performance thanks to the technology with proportional sole-
noid valves for the carriage out/return, lifting/lowering, fork tilting and side shifting operations with smooth
movements of the actuators.
The masts comprise three stages: external, middle and internal.
The rigidity and stability characteristics of the masts allow the forks to reach maximum heights of between
5 and 12 metres depending on the model�
The lifting cylinders are single-acting plungers.