© 2022 HyQuest Solutions
It is recommended that the gauge be read daily at a fixed time (preferably 9.00 am) after a rainfall event, to the nearest
0.2 mm of rainfall.
To read the gauge it is necessary to lift the catch from the gauge, allowing access to the collector and rain measure.
Carefully remove the rain measure from the collector and read off the amount of rainfall from the graduations on the
rain measure. The rain measure is recorded in 0.2 mm of rainfall. The amount of rainfall should be recorded against the
date (a rainfall chart is included in this manual).
Dispose of the contents of the rain measure. Replace the rain measure and catch.
In the event of heavy rainfall where greater than 20mm of rain has fallen, the rain measure will overflow into the
collector. To measure this large amount of rainfall it is simply a matter of pouring from the collector into the rain measure
and totalling the amounts.