ypt PLUS
tec - User Guide
Unlocking The EnCrypt PLUS
When you start EnCrypt PLUS application you
should see the main menu, the status box will
let you know if the device is currently locked or
From here you can Lock/Unlock the device,
change the password, show your password hint
or attempt to launch the user guide (Requires
Adobe Acrobat reader to be installed).
To unlock the device click on the bottom right
option ‘the padlock icon’ to unlock the device
The password entry box is displayed allowing
you to enter the password, also shown is a pass-
word hint button which displays your password
hint to help you remember your password.
*Warning* - If you forget your password there is no way to
recover your data, please ensure you set a password hint.
Once the correct password is entered the drive
will unlock and a message will be displayed let-
ting you know the drive is now accessible.
The secure area of the drive will now be acces-
sible in My Computer as the drive letter that was
installed (Marked as a removable disk)
USB Flash Memory
Hardware Implemented AES Encryption
Please contact
Hypertec Ltd
for more information:
t: 0870 243 5603 e: [email protected] w: www.hypertec.co.uk