Installation Manual Chapter2. Introduction
Hyosung TNS Inc.
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Chapter2. Introduction
About the MX8300D / 8300T
The MX8300D / 8300T is a full service ATM. Cardholders and/or customers deposit and
withdraw the cash and receive the transaction records with MX8300D / 8300T ATM.
The MX8300D / 8300T is a versatile, easily maintained delivery system that can be modified to
keep pace with the bank's changing needs.
► The benefits that the new concept MX8300D / 8300T provides are as follows.
Removes inconvenience which occurs when bank clerks directly handle cash with customers
and relieves workload upon tellers by processing withdrawal of cash automatically.
Allows tellers to calculate and close amount faster than the existing manual calculation.
Allows easy and quick installation and maintenance.
The figures/photos/diagrams in this manual are for well understanding therefore they may be
different from real machines.