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ONLINE mode means that the sensors (at least partially) were detected and the
evaluation of currently measured measurement values is correct. You are in a
position to save measurements or perform an interval measurement. The
measurement values and evaluation are updated every three seconds.
In OFFLINE mode, you can examine measurements made at a metering point.
For this, there is also a condition evaluation, however now with the saved
measurements. In the process, the settings are displayed that are set at the
time of measurement.
5.1.3 Selection of the metering point
This menu is depicted in Figure. With the ENT key, you can select a metering
point with which additional measurements can be performed or these can be
A new metering point can also be created. There are two possibilities for this:
1. You can select an existing metering point with the cursor and select F3:
COPY. Here, all of the settings are taken over from the selected metering
point and a mew metering point is created in the next free space (Figure 11
left). With F2: EDIT, you can change the parameters of a metering point.
2. An empty entry is selected. Here, you will see the following on the F3 key:
NEW. You can create a new metering point here. The start values are the
default values (Figure 11 right).
The first entry is the metering point “Default.” It can be selected, but not
changed or deleted. The saving of measurements is also not possible here. It
serves only to display measurement values according to the default parameters.
Figure 11: Takeover of the parameters of an existing metering point; right: Creation of a new metering point.