Remove the outermost back screws on the
left and right side of the bracket and use
these to install the 2 membrane clips (A),
as shown in picture.
Push the Reverse Osmosis Membrane
Housing Assembly (B) onto the clips with
the cap side towards the right “inlet” side
of the unit.
Congratulations! Your system is now a 150
gallon per day Reverse Osmosis unit. Flush the
initial hour of product water down the drain.
You are now ready to use the system! Consult
the Stealth-RO150 manual from this point
forward. Contact us for help if needed.
Begin by turning off the water to the
unit, then remove the white filtered
water tubing from the “output” fitting on
the system.
This kit allows you to upgrade your TALLBoy to a 100 gallon per day Reverse Osmosis unit.
Push the Elbow Stem Fitting at the end
of the white tube into the “output” fitting
of the system.
Cut about 2" of the white “inlet” tubing to
install the Pressure Gauge Assembly (E) onto
the system. Push the remaining white “inlet”
tubing into the open fitting on the Pressure
Gauge Assembly (E).
Instructions For: to Conversion Kit
Install the supplied blue filtered water tubing
to the open blue fitting on the ASOV (C),
{Refer to the Quick Start Guide Instructions
for the Flow Restrictor/Flush Kit Assembly
(F) to select your preferred waste to product
ratio} and insert the supplied black tubing
into the black fitting on the ASOV (C).