Hydrofarm Autopilot TM01715D Instructions Download Page 2



TM01715D_Instructions_AP revised -  November 30, 2016 12:42 PM

First select which days of the week this particular event will function (WEEK button.) As you press the button, 

it will cycle through all the possibilities which include: MoTuWeThFrSaSu (every day of the week); Mo, Tu, 

We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su (each individual day of the week); MoTuWeThFr (only week days); SaSu (only weekends); 

MoTuWeThFrSa; MoWeFr; TuThSa; MoTuWe; or ThFrSa.

After selecting the desired day(s) your event will function, select the timing for the event to come on or go off 

using the HOUR, MIN, and SEC buttons. (Be aware of AM and PM hours.)

NOTE: The settings in this timer are “sticky” or “live,” meaning that as soon as you make any setting, it 

becomes the setting in effect until a new setting is chosen.

Also note the function of the “R” button: it is used to temporarily suspend/inactivate all program 

information in a program setting (both on and off times). For example, to keep only program 1 active 

(both its ON and OFF times) and suspend the other seven, you would press PROG to show Program 2 

(ON) and then press the R button. This will suspend all program information for Program 2 (ON). You 

would then repeat this for Program 2 (OFF) and all the remaining programs.


Use the ON/OFF/AUTO button (at lower right) to set to automatic. 

NOTE: AUTO mode is the only mode that will execute scheduled events that are programmed into 

the timer. ON mode overrides the timer settings and will turn on and keep power going to the device 

that is plugged in to it. OFF mode overrides the timer settings and turns off power to the device that 

is plugged into it. 

The button cycles through ON, AUTO, OFF, and AUTO as you keep pushing it.

If, according to the schedule you have programmed, it is supposed to be off at that time of day (and day of the 

week), you cycle it through to OFF just before AUTO.

If, according to the schedule you have programmed, it is supposed to be on at that time of day, you cycle it 

through to ON just before AUTO.

If you are using the timer for subtle equipment like CO


 and you want to test your programmed schedule, you 

can try plugging in something more obvious like a light or a fan so that you can see the changes more easily.

NOTE: If you press HOUR and MIN at the same time, you will get Daylight Savings mode, which will delay your 

settings by one hour automatically. This will be shown as a clock symbol over the black dot in the right lower 

corner of the display. Press HOUR and MIN simultaneously to remove the Daylight Savings mode. 
Random Mode: If you press WEEK and HOUR simultaneously, the display will show an “O” above the clock 

symbol which will flash when functioning. This is random mode. The on and off timing will be delayed from 2 

up to 32 minutes randomly. This setting is not useful for gardening purposes. The primary use of this setting is 

for home security, i.e controlling household lamp to create the appearance that the home is occupied when you 

are not home. Press WEEK and HOUR simultaneously to remove this mode.
