Channel 4 mA Output Calibration:
Each sensor channel has its own isolated 4-20 mA output
used for remote monitoring/indication of gas residual. Although each channel is calibrated using
NIST certifi ed equipment, it may be necessary to adjust the output of from the controller to
match the input of the remote system. This screen allows the user to adjust the A/D count that
outputs the 4 mA signal. Pressing the
key will increase the current output and pressing the
key will decrease the output.
Channel 20 mA output Calibration:
Similar to screen #9 (4 mA Output Calibration), this
screen allows the user to make minor adjustments to the A/D value that controls the 20 mA
output. Pressing the
key will increase the current output and pressing the
key will decrease
the output.
Channel Filter Time:
This fi lter time is used to eliminate unwanted signal disturbances from
the sensor. The fi lter time can be set anywhere from 0-60 seconds using the
The recommended factory default value is 5 seconds.
Calibration Diagnostic Screen:
This screen allows the user to view the most recent calibration
points and their corresponding A/D values for diagnostic purposes.
Live diagnostic Screen:
This screen allows the user to see the current sensor value, A/D value
and current output for a particular sensor.
After passing over the sensor
membrane the span gas will
exit through the other port on
the calibration cap.
FIGURE 7: Calibration Cap
FIGURE 8: Sensor and Calibration Kit
The sensor is shipped with the calibration
cap already installed. After calibration the
calibration cap should be removed for normal
use. Do not dispose of the calibration cap as
it will have to be reinstalled and used for any
further sensor calibrations.
Ordering Information
Calibration Kit – 10 PPM Chlorine Gas
with Regulator
Replacement Sensor – 0-10 PPM