Hydro Instruments VPH-10000 Vaporizer
Table of Contents
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................ 3
1. Safety Information
2. System Size, Capabilities, and Specifications
II. Installation .............................................................................................................. 5
1. Installation of the Vaporizer
2. Installation of Chlorine Pressure Piping
3. Installation of Auxiliary Components
1. Electronic Pressure Reducing Valve
2. Pressure Relief Valve Assembly
3. Expansion Chamber Assembly
4. Electrical Installation
1. Connecting the Main Power
2, Wiring Relays and Alarm Outputs
3. Modbus Information
III. Operation: ............................................................................................................ 14
1. Leak Testing
2. Initial Start-Up
3. System Start
4. System Shut Down
1. Short Term Shut Down
2. Long Term Shut Down
5. Navigating the Controller
1. Explanation of Main Controller Screens
6. Operating Controls and Components
1. Chlorine Gas Temperature Thermocouple
2. Chlorine Gas Pressure Transmitter
3. Water Tank Temperature
4. Water Level Control
5. Water Re-Fill Solenoid
6. Cathodic Protection System
7. Water Heater
8. Water Pump
7. Alarms and Features
IV. Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 23
1. Yearly Maintenance
1. Chlorine Pressure Chamber Cleaning
2. Alarms and Switches Testing
3. Component Preventative Maintenance
2. 5-Year Chlorine Pressure Chamber Cleaning and Inspection
V. Troubleshooting ................................................................................................... 26
VI. Important Figures, Parts and Dimensional Drawings
1. Wiring Diagrams ...................................................................................... 10-12
2. Assembly Diagrams ................................................................................. 28-31
3. Vapor Pressure Curves .............................................................................. 32-34