Issue 4.1.1 - October 2014
G2-VMU- Voice Mail Service Card
Install the G2-VMU card in the VMU1 or VMU2 slot of the G2-MBU.
G2-STU Digital Station Card
Install the G2-STU card in STU1, STU/SLU2,
…, STU/SLU5 slot of the G2-MBU. The STU card has 4 digital
twin ports allowing 2 stations to be paralleled of each port. It is highly recommended that all extensions are
home run back to individual inner and outer pairs directly on the DDK connector.
G2-STU2 Digital Station Card
Install the G2-STU2 card in STU1, STU/SLU2,
…, STU/SLU5 slot of the G2-MBU.
The STU2 card has 8 individual digital ports. It is necessary that all extensions are home run back to
individual inner and outer pairs directly on the DDK connector. Digital phones can not be paralleled off a
STU2 card port. A G2-STU2 card can be hot swapped if the system software supports this feature.