Flash Upgrade
The RC1-H is capable of field program upgrade via its Serial port input. You may have
noticed that the RC1-H seems to have a slight delay during power up. It is during this
time that the built-in bootloader program is active, looking for the proper command
sequence to begin a flash upgrade of the internal program memory.
Upgrade Procedure
Set the POWER switch on the RC1-H controller box to the OFF position. Make sure the
serial cable is plugged into the RC1-H and your computer. Start the TeraTerm program
included on the CD. Select Serial and your virtual com port number on the opening
screen (You may have to go to Device Manager/Com Ports to see what com port
number it is). Click the Setup tab. Select Serial Port. Make sure the proper com port is
set, then set 9600 baud N, 8, 1 (no parity, 8 data bits and 1 stop bit) and none for flow
control, and 50 into mess/line delay box. Select Setup/Terminal and change the
Transmit from CR to CR + LF.
Now find your downloaded upgrade hex file from MDS. In TeraTermPro select File,
then Send File, and highlight the upgrade hex file, BUT do not click the OK button yet!!
Within 4 seconds elapsed time, power up the RC1-H box and click OK on TeraTerm file
send window. This must be done within the 4 second window.
You will see TeraTerm send the data, the RC1-H will return xxK message to show each
1K of memory written and then give a SUCCESS message in its terminal window.
If the RC1-H just powers up normally, you did not make the upgrade power up within
the 4 second window. If you see an error message in the TeraTerm terminal window,
you probably did not set the msec/line delay that is necessary. If you see random
characters in the terminal window, you probably did not set the baud rate to 9600 baud
N81 with no flow control.
If all else fails and you feel uncomfortable with this upgrade procedure, you may send
your unit back for upgrade at no charge except you must pay shipping both ways.
If you power the RC1-H without upgrade, you will see a BOOT message, then a
TIMEOUT message, telling you it has made it to the bootloader, and then it did NOT
receive the proper hex file header, and quit because the 4 second limit happened.