Tuning the DX-77-A
Each band on the DX-77-A can be independently
tuned for resonance by adjusting each trap reso-
nance on the 30-10 meter bands, and by adjusting
the tip length on 40 meters. The DX-77-A radiat-
ing element length may also be adjusted slightly
between the trap assemblies.
Each trap consists of one coil and at least one
capacitor tube. The center conductor of each ca-
pacitor tube is attached to the top of the coil, and
the outside tubing of each capacitor is attached to
the bottom of the coil by an adjustable-position
clamp. The DX-77-A normally comes with this
adjustable clamp positioned near the bottom of
the coil. This sets the resonance of each band near
the top (US-phone) end. To adjust the trap lower
in frequency, loosen this clamp, and slide it
downward, and retighten. This adds a length of
the capacitor tubing and radiator tubing in series
with the coil and effectively increases the
inductance, thereby lowering the trap resonance.
This in turn lowers the antenna resonance on that
band. this adjustment can lower the resonant
frequency from 100 KHz on 30 meters to as much
as 400 KHz on 10 meters.
The match on all bands (lower SWR) is pre-set by
the matching network in the plastic box and by the
length of the radial tubes. If you find that your
SWR is too high because of surrounding objects
or proximity to the ground, you may try adjusting
the lengths of the radial tubes. If you are close to
the ground (less than 48 inches), try adjusting all
of the radial tubes shorter to decrease the
capacitive loading effect. If you are at least 5 feet
above ground and at least 20 feet from any fence,
building or vertical metallic object, and your SWR
is above 1.5:1 at resonance on all bands, you may
have a problem in the matching network. If ALL
of the bands show high SWR, check where the
black wire is connected. If the black wire is
connected to ground through the mounting bracket
instead of to the radial tubes, all of the bands will
show resonances from 200 KHz to 1000 KHz too
low! Do not allow anything to touch the radial
elements except the black wire!
The resonances on the DX-77-A may also be ad-
justed by increasing or decreasing the length of
the vertical radiator. The 10, 12, and 15 meter
bands can be lowered in frequency by setting the
length of this trap assembly to 44 inches instead
of 42 inches. The lower bands will also be
affected slightly. Also, the 17 and 20 meter bands
can be raised in frequency approx. 100 KHz by
setting the length of the 17-20 meter trap
assembly to 32 1/2 inches instead of 34 inches.
The 30 and 40 meter bands will also be affected
slightly. The 30 meter band can be raised in
frequency approx. 50 KHz by setting the length of
the 30 meter trap assembly to 29 inches instead of
31 1/2 inches. Again, 40 meters will be affected
with this change. To change the resonance on 40
meters, adjust the length of the tip (nominally 54
inches),- longer to go lower, and shorter to go
higher. This adjustment will not affect the other