Section 1.
Components of the DCU-1 "Pathfinder" Digital Control Unit
General Description
The DCU-1 "Pathfinder" digital control unit fea-
tures 6 memory presets, automatic brake delay
(8 seconds), automatic motor slowdown (last 5
degrees), automatic motor control on startup,
programmable center of rotation, full circle
analog display of current and target bearings,
digital display of current and target bearings,
automatic display blanking of target bearings,
automatic display blanking (30 minutes), RS-
232 control with passthrough, and an 8 pin
socket for the control cable.
Your existing rotator unit (HAM IV, T2X, or
compatible) must be connected to the control
unit with an 8-wire cable. You may use your
existing cable, you may assemble your own
cable from the information supplied in this
manual, or you may purchase pre-assembled
The DCU-1 "Pathfinder" digital control unit
consists of the following main components:
PN 870804 DCU-1 Control Unit Assembly
PN 870805 Parts Pack DCU-1 (120 VAC)
PN 870843 Parts Pack DCU-1 (220 VAC)