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Installation FD-2VB

S e r i e s   1 0 0   f i r e   d a m p e r   c / w   p l a t e   f r a m e   i n   m a s o n r y   w a l l

Upon receipt of unit - Before signing for the delivery

  Flourescent yellow stickers are attached to every package we 

despatch detailing receipt instructions and what to do if your goods 
are damaged.

  The instructions on this must be followed or HVC will not be able to 

assist with any claims for damage.

Prior to installation

  If damper is to be stored on site, ensure it is stored in a clean and 

dry environment.

  Immediately prior to fitment, remove all packaging from the unit. Take 

particular care inspecting the inside of the unit for any packing 
materials which may disrupt damper operation.


  Fire damper installation should only be carried out by competant 

persons. As life safety devices, correct operation is reliant on correct 

  Damper edges can be sharp. PPE should be used when handling.

  Larger dampers can be very heavy, ensure suitable lifting methods 

are used to help prevent injury.

  Adjacent dampers should be positioned not less than 200mm apart 

at their extremities.

  Remove the safety cable tie around the fusible link. Failure to remove 

this will render the damper inoperable.

  For detailed installation instructions see the following page.


  Fusible link fire dampers are designed to operate without any 

command from an operator or building maintenance system (unless 
equipped with an electromagnet or solenoid).

  Fusible links will release at the temperature embossed onto the link 


  The use of electromagnets and solenoids enables the damper to be 

operated remotely, even when the damper itself is not being exposed 
to elevated temperatures. 

  The activation command may originate from an automated command 

or a human operator through the building maintenance system.

  Once the damper has been shut, it can only be opened by hand.

  Once exposed to elevated temperatures/flames resulting in the 

damper closing, the damper must be replaced.


  A spare amount of replacement fusible links should be kept on site.

Installation FD-2VB

Approved installation method, operation and installation declaration
Page 1 of 3 - Issue B - Issued 04/03/2015
