Recommended work
Every 135 operating hours
Every 70 operating hours when used for motorsports
Once after 20 operating hours
Once after 10 operating hours
Change the front brake fluid.
Change the rear brake fluid.
Change the hydraulic clutch fluid.
Lubricate the steering head bearing.
Clean the spark arrestor.
Service the fork.
Service the shock absorber.
Change the fuel filter.
Perform engine service including removing and installing the engine. (Change the
spark plug and spark plug connector. Change the piston. Check/measure the cylinder.
Check the cylinder head. Change the valves, valve springs, and valve spring seats.
Check the camshaft, rocker arm and rocker arm shafts. Change the connecting
rod, conrod bearing, and crank pin. Change the shaft seal ring of the water pump.
Check the transmission and shift mechanism. Check the oil pressure regulator valve.
Change the suction pump. Check the force pump and lubrication system. Check the
timing assembly. Change the timing chain. Change all engine bearings. Change the
One-time interval
Periodic interval