Service Meter
The service meter displays the total operating
time with the blade engaged. After every 50
hours of operation, an oil can icon will appear and
stay on for two hours, before an automatic reset
occurs. To manually reset the meter, turn the key
off and on five times at one second intervals. To
service the engine and mower, see the Service
Journal of this manual.
Choke Control
The choke control provides the engine with a
richer fuel mixture.
For cold starts the control
should be pulled up.
Fuel Shut Off Valve
The fuel shut off valve is located at the right rear
of the seat. The valve has three positions: right
tank, left tank and OFF.
If the mower is not tracking straight, check the
air pressure in both rear tires. Recommended air
pressure for the rear tires is 15 psi (1 bar).
Tracking adjustments are made using the
tracking bolt and tracking knob. The tracking
bolt and tracking knob act as limiting devices
for the motion control levers when in the full-
forward position.
For preliminary tracking adjustment, move
unit to an open, unobstructed area such as an
empty parking lot or open field.
Back the tracking bolt out until flush with nut.
Loosen tracking knob out until flush with nut.
Test operate unit by driving it at full throttle
and the full forward position on both motion
control levers. Gradually turn in the tracking
bolt on the right hand side until the unit
noticeably starts drifting right.
6. Drive forward at full throttle with both motion
control levers in the full forward position.
Gradually turn in the tracking knob (left side)
until unit tracks straight.
Park Brake
The park brake is found on the left of the
machine. Pull the lever backward to engage the
brake and push forward to release it.
The machine
must stand absolutely still when applying the
park brake. Always engage the park brake
before dismounting. Release the park brake
before moving the mower.