EC-declaration of conformity (Applies to Europe only)
Husqv arna AB, SE-561 82 Huskvarna, Sweden, tel +46-36-146500, declares under sole responsibility that the hardvesting
equioppments Husqvarna 353O4 and 353O4 X-Series dating from 2009 serial numbers and onwards (the year is clearly
stated on the rating plate followed by the serial number), comply with the requirements of the COUNCIL’S DIRECTIVE:
“relating to machinery”
- 98/37/EC
- EN 61000 6-4 / EN 61000 6-2 ” relating to electromagnetic compabiñity “
The following standards have been applied: EN ISO 12100-1, EN ISO 12100-2, EN ISO 13850, EN1037, EN ISO 14121-1
APPLUS , CAmpus Universitat Autonoma S/N, 08193 Cerdanyola del Valles, has performed a voluntary type
examination on behalf of Husqvarna AB. The cer
tificates are
numbered: 10/32300147
Huskvarna 24 August 2009
Michael Kullberg, Business manager