Lodged Trees
Some Suggestions as to How You can Take Down a
Lodged Tree.
If the tree you have felled gets hung up, do nothing
hastily. Take a rest and give some thought to the situation
in peace and quiet. Consider various alternatives and
always choose a safe method even if it takes a little
Simple Hang-Ups Rolling the Tree.
1. Determine direction tree can most easily be rolled
2. Cut tree loose from hinge, leaving a little on the side
you intend it to roll down on.
3. Using a cant hook or similar tool, roll the tree away
from you.
4. Lift with a straight back.
If the tree is wedged in the branches of another tree,
you can exert more rolling force using a cant hook and
a long pole.
Remember to lift correctly with a straight back.
A lodged tree is a dangerous situation.
Do not try to fell a tree in which another tree is lodged.
Do not fell another tree onto a lodged tree.
Do not work inside the danger area of a lodged tree
and do not allow people inside danger area.
If you are not properly positioned when the tree
starts to move, you might get caught by the cant
hook or the tree itself.
Basic Working Techniques