Remove the weight after 30 seconds check for return to zero and turn the printer off, the
printer should fast feed a blank section.
Compare the printout with the examples shown above, checking for print quality,
date/time stamp, event markers, ultrasound, toco trace and mode (i.e. US/FECG).
FECG Functional Testing
Reconnect the FECG legplate. Connect the patient terminals to an Fetal ECG simulator
setting the voltage to between 25
V and 2mV. Only one FECG transducer can be used
at any one time. Use of an adult ECG simulator may cause erroneous readings.
The ECG rate should be set between 30-240 and checked across its range.
Twins Functional Testing - BD4000
Connect two BD4000 units together using the connection lead supplied with the twins
kit. The monitor with the cable end marked '1' causes the unit to be the LOCAL unit
while the other unit defaults to REMOTE.
The display on the LOCAL BD4000 should display “Remote FHR =” in the top line of
the text display.
Connect an ultrasound transducer to both units and input a signal on the REMOTE unit
by stroking the ultrasound transducer.
The REMOTE unit LCD should display 'Twins Remote Unit' and the printer should be
The FHR should be displayed on both the REMOTE LED and LOCAL LCD displays.
Set the printer on the LOCAL unit to print and with a signal to the REMOTE unit, a
corresponding trace should be printed.
When full width paper(210mm) is loaded, the LOCAL unit will print two FHR grids
one above the other and one toco trace.
With the normal paper(150mm) fitted, the two FHR traces are overlaid on one grid, and
identified periodically by the letters 'R' and 'L'.
Issue: 2 DRAFT
Rev: a