41277-01 05/98
Hunter is proud to present the
Whisperwind 2000™ – year-round
comfort for the next generation. This
manual gives you complete instruc-
tions for installing and operating your
All Hunter ceiling fans will provide
comfort and performance in your
home or office for many years. The
Hunter Whisperwind 2000™ also
provides the following features:
• The AirMax™ (patent pending)
motor is quieter, provides better
air flow, and comes with a lim-
ited lifetime warranty.
• The new, Hands-Free™ (patent
pending) hanging system makes
wiring the fan even easier.
• The Speed Ring™ (patent pend-
ing) blade attachment system lets
you attach the entire blade assem-
bly in a few simple steps – elimi-
nating the need to attach each
blade to a hanging fan!
We at Hunter are proud of our work.
We appreciate the opportunity to
supply you with the best ceiling fan
available anywhere in the world - the
Whisperwind 2000™.
Before installing your fan, record the
following information for your
records and warranty assistance.
Please refer to the carton and the
Hunter nameplate (located on top
outside fan motor housing) for the
proper information.
© 1998 Hunter Fan Co.
Model Name __________________
Catalog No. ___________________
Serial No. _____________________
Date Purchased ________________
Where Purchased ______________
Please attach your Hardware Kit and
Parts Drawing to this manual for fu-
ture reference.
Attach Your Receipt
or a Copy of
Your Receipt Here