3. Introduction
With contents in previous pages, believe you’ve already got a brief idea
about how this camera works. Before more details presented, here we
want to thank you for choosing one of our easy operation highly qua-
lified products. You now may enjoy the excellences reflected on this
series product. This 12MP HD digital camera was totally R&D by our
diligent and smart engineers based on feedbacks and requirements
from customers globally. May you also enjoy and adore this product as
we do. And our company is always open-minded with willing to adopt
creative ideas from you.
Fully functionality introduction
Förutom alla funktioner du kan få med andra, liknande kameror
syftar den här till att erbjuda dig en stabil kvalitetsprodukt med bra
användarupplevelse och många extrafunktioner, som SIM-inställning
auto-match, daglig rapport, fjärrkontroll med APP (IOS och Android),
15 m (50 fot) osynligt verklig mörkerseendeförmåga, 0,4 s aktiverings-
tid och 1 foto/sek (upp till 5 foton per aktivering) multi-shot för att
fånga objektets hela rörelseförlopp (stöldskyddsbevis), användarvän-
lig driftmeny etc.
Power supply
3.2.1 Batteries
Camera runs on 6 or 12 AA size batteries (9-12V power supply to ensure
camera well performance of all functions); can work with alkaline and
high-quality NiMH rechargeable batteries. But we suggest to run camera
with NiMH batteries only as performance of alkaline batteries is much
poorer than NiMH batteries. Pls also choose the battery type you’re
using in the menu option “Battery Type” to reach longer operation time.
Batteries should be inserted with correct electrode position as marked
on the housing. Upside down batteries electrodes may cause device
malfunction. Also, we strongly recommend changing the batteries
when power icon on camera screen or photo stamp is empty.
Summary of Contents for Premium PRO 4G
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