44118-01 • 08/06/2012
©2012 Hunter Fan Company
6. Set the temperature for your heating cycle as indicated by the flashing ”Heat to” icon on
your screen. Use the and buttons to change the temperature and press
. You will
be asked to set your cooling cycle, indicated by the flashing “Cool to”. Set this temperature
with your or buttons and hit
7. The thermostat will start this process again for “Asleep”. Repeat steps 1-5 to schedule the
time and set the temperature for your sleep period. When finished press
to get to “At
8. When setting “At Home”, you will only be asked to set a temperature. The thermostat
calculates your “At Home” time by what remains unscheduled from your “Away” and
“Asleep” periods. Set your “Heat To” temperature first and press
, then Set your “Cool
To” temp and press
to finish Scheduling your current day.
9. When you have completed scheduling your day, the screen will flash “Schedule Updated!”
and return you to the day select screen.
Setting Your Schedule