The Chart View, shows only the digital depth readout, leaving more screen area for fish location
and bottom depiction.
If a Wide Side transducer is being used (see Using Alternative Transducers), the VIEW button is
used to select one of four views available: Both, Left, Right, and Down. You can select "side"
simulator to view this presentation even if a Wide Side transducer is not connected.
Menu. MENU displays a menu on-screen for adjustment. In normal
operation, pressing MENU repeatedly cycles through all available
menus. A menu remains on-screen for several seconds, and can be
adjusted by using the ARROW keys. If no adjustment is made in the
allotted time, the menu disappears. If you want the menu to remain
on-screen longer press and hold MENU-the menu will remain on-
screen indefinitely. Once you release the menu button, the screen will
time out. Once a menu times out, it is still considered the active menu.
Press MENU to bring up the last menu used.
Arrow Keys. The UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW make adjustments to menu functions. On the
left side of every menu there are UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW
symbols. The symbols indicate which ARROW button has a function in a
particular situation. Either one or both ARROW buttons can be used to
adjust the menu function. A hollow ARROW symbol means the
corresponding ARROW button has no function. Pressing that button will
result in no adjustment and the "error" audible will be heard. A solid
ARROW symbol means the corresponding ARROW button can be used to affect the menu
The ARROW buttons often can be used when no menu is on-screen. In these situations, pressing
the ARROW button affects the function of the active (last-used) menu. This is a short-cut to menu
operation. An abbreviated menu appears on-screen while the adjustment is made and times out.
A frequently used menu can be adjusted very quickly using this technique.
After an adjustment is made to a menu function, the menu times out after a few seconds and the
unit returns to normal operation.
Menu Layout. All menus use the same basic layout. The heading at the top describes the menu
function. The UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW symbols to the left of the menu indicate which
buttons are available for adjustment. In menus that have several possible settings, a range of
adjustment indicator shows the total range available and the current setting.
Within the menu are the options available. The selected option or current setting is highlighted in
the black box. If no adjustment is made, this is the selected setting. Press an ARROW button
while the menu is displayed to select another option.
Several of the menus are multi-step. In some situations if an adjustment is made, additional
options become available for further adjustment. Examples of these multi-step menus are Depth