The BrailleNote Touch:
The Most Efficient Braille Tool
in the Math Classroom
For the first time ever a portable Braille device can now provide real time Braille
math to print translation in a math class. In the past, students would use tools
such as a Braille writer to write their math in hard copy Braille. They would then
hand the Braille copy to their teacher of the visually impaired, who would then
spend a significant amount of time transcribing the print on top of the Braille copy
for the classroom teacher. Once the assignment was finally turned in to the
classroom teacher, the sighted students in the class typically had already received
their assignment back, while the blind student would continue to wait for the
teacher’s feedback.
The BrailleNote Touch makes this problem a thing of the past. This guide will walk
you through:
Creating a math assignment file
Using the revolutionary KeyMath application to write math expressions in
your preferred Braille code and instantly see the perfect-looking visual
Adding those print and Braille math expressions to your math assignment
Ultimately saving and printing out the final version to share with the
classroom teacher