The ATS 120 Clean channel
The CLEAN Channel is a “solid state” (i.e. transistor) design. This provides the
crystal-clear sounds popular with contemporary recording artists. However,
traditional passive three-band equalisation controls and the “Soft-Click” circuitry make
it possible to reproduce the mild distortion characteristics of a vintage valve amplifier.
The “Soft Click” circuit prevents hard-sounding, unattractive transistor distortion and
provides pleasant, lightly distorted clean sounds at higher gain settings.
determines the volume of the CLEAN channel. At settings around 8 or 9, mildly
distorted “clipped” rhyhm sounds can be produced from single coil pickups. Higher
output pickups will produce a similar effect at a correspondingly lower setting.
the CLEAN channel‘s three tone controls can be used to generate a wide variety of
different clean sounds. Start from the standard setting (Bass, Mid, Treble all at the 12
o‘clock position ) and alter the positions to suit your taste.
activating the BRIGHT switch gives additional boost to the very high, shimmering
harmonics present in the clean channel.
The ATS 120 Crunch channel
The CRUNCH channel of the ATS 120 is a tube design, offering the distinctive
characteristics of traditional tube amplifiers. Depending of the GAIN setting chosen
and the type of pickups being used, CRUNCH provides a broad spectrum of valve
sounds, from clean to overdrive.
The CRUNCH channel on the ATS 120 has an extremely broad dynamic range, the
degree of distortion generated can be very finely adjusted by varying your attack and the
volume setting on the guitar itself.
determines the input sensitivity, thus matching the channel to the pickup output. Low
GAIN settings make it possible to produce clean to lightly distorted sounds; a high
setting produces the classic valve overdrive sounds.
controls the CRUNCH channel‘s volume in relation to the Clean and Lead channels.