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Huge Media Vault - Dual Max User’s Guide
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Formatting and Partitioning
Formatting and Partitioning of the Media Vault is required to prepare the unit for usage. After the unit is
physically connected to your computer, use the following sections as a guide to locate and execute the
appropriate utility to format and partition the Media Vault.
The Huge Media Vault is seen as two large SCSI disk drives by the SCSI host adapter in your computer.
Install the appropriate driver for your SCSI Host Adapter. No additional software or drivers are necessary
to use the Huge Media Vault. Treat the Huge Media Vault as a pair of normal ordinary hard disk drives
when partitioning and formatting.
Macintosh G4 / G5 in OS X
Use the following configuration to get maximum speed from a MediaVault DualMax with OS 10, ATTO
UL3D, for video capturing/playback and editing.
Check and ensure you are using the latest recommended configuration for your capture card and editing
software, update any software or drivers as necessary.
Following the “Bart Process” described below will provided maximum data rate for your editing system.
1) Use ATTO ExpressStripe to initialize the MediaVault
(Fig. 1 through 6)
Start ExpressStripe > Delete > Initialize > Select the
HUGE drives > Next > Drive(s) Verified > Ok.
2) Use Apple's Disk Utility to stripe. (Fig. 7 through 10)
Start Disk Utility > RAID > drag the
HUGE drives into the disk work space >
enter the RAID Set Name > Create
3) Remove ATTO’s ExpressPCI Configuration Tool.
If installed, run the un-install to remove it.
The un-install is normally at Macintosh
HD > Applications > ExpressPCI
Configuration Tool > Uninstaller Data >
Uninstall ExpressStripe.
HMV-1800-DM RAID 0 performance with
Pinnacle’s Cinewave benchmark on a G4.
Fig. 1 Apple’s OS X Desktop show. Launch the ATTO
ExpressStripe Software. The software is typically
installed on your Macintosh HD > Applications folder.
ExpressStripe is an optional software application from
ATTO Technology, if you don’t have it, you can skip to
Fig. 7 but your performance may not be optimal.