Perform the operations under "Camshaft and Oil
Pan Removal - 6 Cylinder", Pages 14 and 39, 480-
490 Procedure Manual and remove the tappets from
The proper clearance when fitting tappets is
.00075" to .00175". Any tappets worn more than
.002" in excess of the standard clearance should be
Oversize tappets in the following over-sizes .002",
.004" and .010" are available and may be ordered in
the regular manner through the service parts depart-
1. Jack up front end of car.
2. Remove right hand front wheel.
3. Remove fender side shield with side shield
4. Remove both valve covers and breather pipe.
5. With engine running at idle speed adjust tappets
to .008" intake and .010" exhaust for both 6 and 8
cylinder engines. This is in line with a recent
engineering release.
NOTE: The tappet adjusting screw on the 6 cyl-
inder is self-locking, whereas the adjusting screw
on the 8 cylinder requires a lock nut.
After making the proper valve tappet adjustment:
1. Replace tappet covers and breather pipe.
NOTE: When tightening the breather pipe at-
taching screw on the early 8 cylinder engines, do
not bottom breather pipe against the inner baffle
of the valve cover as this will close off the venting
action of the pipe and create high crankcase
2. Replace the fender side dust shield and rear in-
spection shield. (Tie cord of dust boot to front
3. Install front wheel, lower car, remove jack and
fender covers.
4. Connect hood prop to hood and align hood.
The valves seat directly in the cylinder block. (No
valve inserts are used).
To remove the valves proceed as follows:
1. Drain cooling system.
2. Remove cylinder head. See "Cylinder Head Re-
moval", Pages 14 and 15, 480-490 Mechanical
Procedure Manual.
3. Raise car and remove right front wheel and fender
shield with extension.
4. Re move both valve covers and breather pipe.
5. Using KMO-484 Valve Spring Lifter compress
the valve springs and remove spring keepers and
NOTE: Place corks or wood plugs in valve cham-
ber oil return holes to prevent valve locks from
dropping through these holes into the oil pan.
6. Remove valves from the engine and place them in
a valve rack to protect them from any damage and
to insure that the valves are returned to the same
seats from which they were removed.
7. Check all valves for warpage and burning, replace
any excessively burnt or warped valves.
8. Valves should be refaced on an accredited refac-
ing machine.
NOTE: The following chart is used in conjunc-
tion with the letters and dimensional lines in
Figure 15, should be used as a guide when per-
forming any valve work.