2011 by Huchez Treuils S.A.S.
Translation of the original instructions manual
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Fastening the rope
Models PRIMO INOX 250/400/1000
Refer to the photos below.
If necessary, remove the limit switch
Slacken the screws
Insert the end of the rope between the drum flange and the cable clamp
Tighten the screws
Check that the rope is securely clamped
Reassemble the limit switch
The rope should never form a loop.
Important: the direction of rotation of the drum depends on how the machine is connected.
Winding the rope on the drum
To do this, tauten the rope and wind it with joined strands onto the drum.
Very important
: The safety regulations require that 3 coils of rope always be left on the drum. If the
rope and the hook used were not supplied with the machine by the manufacturer, check that they
guarantee a level of safety corresponding to table § 5.
Start to wind the rope forming a spiral to the right. In order to facilitate this operation, some drums
are provided with a heel attached to one of the flanges, which "fills" the space between the first turn
and the flange.
The first layer must be wound in a compact manner and under tension. Take a mallet or a block of
wood and knock the turns against one another; not too hard to prevent the strands from overlapping
one another, but tightly enough to prevent the rope from moving on the drum. If the first layer is
wound too loose, the next layer will form a space in the first layer that will result in an open area. If
the first layer is too tight, the subsequent layers will not have enough space between turns.
In any case, the first layer and all the other layers must be wound onto the drum with enough pre-
tension (5-10 % of the MWL of the rope). If the rope is wound without any tension, it will suffer from
crushing and premature flattening caused by the loaded upper layers.
Even if the first layer is wound correctly during installation, it will expand a little while in service.
When the first layer expands (loss of pre-tension) the initial procedure MUST be performed at regular
Otherwise, the "hard" turns will severely crush the base layers.
Whatever you do, DO NOT pass the rope through a clamping mechanism. For example, two blocks of
wood screwed together.
It is important
to respect the indication below; if the rope start on the winch is at the bottom,
respect the same principle. Failure to respect this precaution will damage your rope irretrievably and it
will become extremely dangerous.