Getting Started
Install the flexible gooseneck extension into the
top of the post. You will hear a click noise when
all the sections are properly connected (Dia. 5a).
• Insert the camera unit into the housing at
the end of the flexible gooseneck extension.
Connect the power adaptor plug to the camera
unit power socket. (Dia. 5b, 5c)
Dia. 5b
Dia. 5c
• Insert the power adaptor plug into the power socket
of the cot mount, and connect the power adaptor to
a mains power outlet. (Dia. 6a)
• Power on the camera unit then view the image
through the parent unit. Adjust the flexible
gooseneck for optimal viewing position over the cot.
(Dia. 6b)
Dia. 6b
Dia. 6a
Dia. 5a